Career Planning
Students interested in career exploration will benefit from engaging in self-exploration activities. Connecting your interests to possible careers can be helpful in finding jobs you hadn’t yet thought to research.
We encourage students to meet with their school counselor to conduct a career interest inventory using Human E-Sources.
You can also research careers by using online resources showing career clusters, labor market trends, interest inventories and aptitude assessments, and college major searches.
O*Net Site: Includes a skills search, ability profiler, interest profiler, and work importance locator (work values).
The U.S. Department of Labor Career One Stop: This one-stop site includes self- assessments, career profiles, career videos, industry research, career goal-setting, salaries, licensed occupations, professional development; training including college, short-term training, certifications, apprenticeships, internships, etc.; and job searches including tips on networking, resumes and applications, portfolios, interviews and negotiations.
Maine Department of Education, Career & Education Development: Features career exploration activities for students with links to many outside resources.