Student Work Showcase
If This Land Could Talk
Students in Ms. Blenk and Ms. Kanzler's class "If This Land Could Talk" have been hard at work the past few months. This unique course, which combines Science and English courses through the investigation of local culture and history, environmental science, and the application of digital composition and storytelling skills, immerses students in Maine's community and environment. The culmination of the project is an original, student-designed podcast, featuring local community members. Some of the topic explored this year include Highland Lake, marine mammal rescue and endangerment, hockey culture in Maine, and more.
Art Show
The First Semester Student Art Show and Reception was held in January 2025. Missed the show? See some of the artwork that was on display.
Storied Lives
Students in Ms. Blodgett’s sophomore English classes created podcasts with various staff members. The goal of the podcast unit is to deepen our understanding of others in our school community, and this goal mirrors the mission of StoryCorps, a national nonprofit organization that works to “preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world.”
From lyrics to language, beats to books, and rhythm to rhetoric, Mrs. Davison makes for an amazing English teacher and music lover. Throughout this podcast, we had the pleasure of exploring her interests, idols, and inspirations.
Interviewed by- Jordan, Kailyn, Blake, and Sam
As an English teacher at Falmouth High School, Mr. Paul shares his experiences growing up in a large family in Portland, Maine. He shares how his interest in running has shaped his life and continues to this day. After an interaction with a high school English teacher, his academic mindset flipped. He soon started to have an interest in English, which has taken him to where he is today.
Interviewed by Aubrey, Jon, and Olive
Mrs. Julea, a Falmouth High School English teacher, shares her pathway to teaching- from her childhood to her schooling experience to how she got where she is today. Although Mrs. Julea always wanted to be an educator like her parents, she tells how life sometimes takes the scenic route to its destination.
Interviewed by- Nate, Chase, and Maddy
Sociology Truth-Spreading
Spring 2023 Sociology students created projects to spread truth about a topic of their choosing to an audience of their choosing. Some students chose the Falmouth community as their audience.