Clubs & Activities
A club is a group of individuals who request to use Academic Focused Time (AFT) time to gather and explore topics. A club request form must be completed. Clubs must have academic or civic relevance. Approval of clubs are at the sole discretion of the administration.
An activity does not need to have an academic or civic focus but needs to occur outside of school hours. In order for an activity to be listed on the website, it must have adult supervision. Some examples of existing activities are Sailing, Robotics, and Fitness Groups. The club and activities form still needs to be filled out for approval. See below for current activities.
Astronomy Club
The Astronomy Club meets every week to discuss various astronomy topics, from black holes to current astrological events. Exploring topics such as stars, planets, the universe, etc. The club meets on Wednesdays during AFT in room 126. Advisor: Mr. Njaa:
Bake Sale Club
The Bake Sale Club holds monthly bake sales on the last Monday of each month. The profits will be donated to a charity/organization voted by members of the club. By joining the Bake Sale Club, you can participate in bake sales, vote for the charity/organization of where you want the profits to go, and get additional information about upcoming bake sales. Follow us @fhs.bakesaleclub on Instagram! If you have any questions email Advisor: Ms. Hilinski: khilinkski@falmouthschools.o
Banned Book Club
A club dedicated to bringing awareness to the censorship that still exists in our society today. This club meets once a month to discuss a banned book read in the previous month. The club picks the books for the upcoming month from the American Library Association list of banned books. The club meets once a month in the library. Advisor: Ms. Julea:
Best Buddies
As a chapter of Best Buddies International, we promote and support the inclusion of individuals with IDD (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) by fostering friendships between people with and without IDD. Falmouth Best Buddies would include meetings within the scope of IDD and inclusion, matching individuals to create buddy pairs, and having parties and activities to give club members a chance to have fun and create new friendships. Led by Shay Wilcox, Best Buddies ME Program Manager. We meet every Friday during AFT in room 115. Advisor: Ms. Lanham: rebecca.lanham@falmouthschools.or Ms. Zivic:
Big Buddies
Individuals involved with this program will be mentoring a student in the elementary or middle schools. This is an opportunity for someone who has some free time to support a young person and be a positive influence in his/her life. Activities range between reading, helping with homework, art related activities, music, sports, board games, puzzles, etc. The commitment is 30 minutes a week. Advisor: Ms. Haley:
Biology Olympiad
A biology-based club that brings students together on the vast topics in biology. Towards the end of the year, students will be fully prepared for the event: the United States of America Biology Olympiad, in which we will participate in regional competition and possibly advance all the way to nationals. Meetings are every Wednesday during AFT in room 126. Advisor: Mr. Njaa:
Book Club
Do you love to read? The Book Club offers a chance for fellow book lovers to come together over a shared interest. We will take suggestions from members for books to read. We will meet on Thursdays during AFT in room 208 to discuss our selection. For more information contact the Advisor: Ms. Adams:
Chess Club
A place where people who enjoy chess can play with others in person, and club members can get better at playing chess. Meetings take place on Wednesdays during AFT in room 109. Advisor: Ms. Plummer:
Civics Club
The Falmouth High School Civics Club offers opportunities for students to have US Civics and Government come alive. We will convene as a group to discuss important current events and communicate diversified opinions. All students are welcome to join. Meetings are held on Wednesdays or Thursdays (every other week) during AFT in room room 102. Advisor: Mr. Walsh:
Civil Rights Team
The goal of the Civil Rights Team is to get students to think and talk about issues related to race and skin color, national origin and ancestry, religion, disabilities, sexual orientation, and gender (including gender identity and gender expression). In focusing on these categories protected under federal and state law, we aim to make FHS a place where students feel safe, welcome, and accepted because of who they are. The FHS team is part of a larger network of civil rights teams in schools all across the state, including FES and FMS. Meets Mondays during AFT in room 107. Co-Advisors: Ms. Finn: & Ms. Pullen:
Class (Executive) Boards
Grade 12 - Mr. Read: and Ms. Bush:
CodeX2 is an inclusive computer club welcoming people of all coding and technology experience levels. Through live training sessions provided by coding professionals and industry leaders, we give club members instruction in today’s latest coding technology and real-word applications. You can also receive coding certificates with completion of training activities. We offer connections for local Maine coding internships and run biannual hackathons with opportunities to win great prizes! If you'd like to become part of a motivated and welcoming community and are interested in solving problems, reach out to:! For any questions contact: Advisor: Ms. Plummer:
Cookies For A Cause
We bake once a month and deliver to a group we want to recognize for that month (police station, hospital workers, teachers, etc.). It would be virtually through email when we decide where to send the cookies each month, and we'd bake them at home. Bakers would drop them off in the advisor's room throughout the day of delivery. Some members would meet after school to deliver the cookies once a month. Also, day of delivery we'd hold a card-making session in AFT to bring with the cookies so more people may participate, if they can't bake. Advisor: Kaitlyn Pulju:
DECA is an international organization whose mission is to prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in business. There are over 220K+ high school students participating in this organization, and it provides an opportunity to learn through both instruction and competitive events. The program is very well structured and allows for business minded students to compete in case-based competitions. For example, a team of 1-3 participants can compete in the "Business Growth Plan" module where we would develop a written business plan to present to a DECA judge. This is similar to the debating club, but for business and entrepreneurship. There is also the potential opportunity to attend conferences, compete for state awards, and win scholarships. Meetings take place Fridays during AFT in room 125. Advisor: Mr. Whited:
Diverse Student Union (DSU)
DSU is a safe place where students can discuss and act on topics of race and social injustice. Students of all backgrounds are welcome. DSU holds group and school wide discussions on the topic of racism, school events, and more! Meetings are held weekly, every Friday during AFT in room 111. For more information, contact: Advisor: Ms. White:
Dungeon & Dragons (DND)
Dungeons & Dragons (DnD) Club is a fantasy roleplaying game. The game is similar to 'make believe' or 'pretend' in that it is collaborative story-telling. Determining things like whether or not attacks hit or if you can persuade someone to let you in, is determined by dice. Meetings are in Mr. Read's room 106 after school on Wednesdays. Dice will be provided for those who need them. Advisor: Mr. Read:
Food For Thought
Food For Thought is a book club made with the intention of reading good books and having philosophical conversations to deepen the understanding of literature in a positive way. The club is a chance to get students to read books of their choosing and foster curiosity about how something makes them feel whether they like the book or hate it. It is to encourage students to develop their own opinions and ideas about characters, themes, and conflict and to discuss how those elements relate to our lives and purposes. People will be encouraged to talk in this club but there will be no pressure too if they'd prefer to simply read and listen to the conversations. We hope to also discuss controversial topics relating to the books and learn to both agree and respectfully disagree in order to gain new perspectives on various elements of life through the club. Meetings take place on Fridays during AFT in room 142. Advisor: Ms. Seder:
F.R.O.G.S. (Falmouth Rainbow Organization of Gender and Sexuality)
F.R.O.G.S. is a club dedicated to educating the FHS community about LGBTQ+ topics and issues. The goal of this group is to establish an environment where everyone is respected regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. F.R.O.G.S. is primarily a safe space for all students to both socialize and discuss anything related to gender and sexuality. Meetings take place after school on Tuesdays in room 121. Advisor: Ms. Leary:
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
FBLA is a national association of nearly a quarter million students interested in becoming more successful in the business world. Membership in FBLA helps you learn about business and gives you the opportunity to see the “real world” through interaction with business leaders from across the country! You will discover the secret of being able to talk confidently with prospective employers, and you will experience the chance to test your business skills in state and national competitions. Advisor: Ms. Wrisley:
GORP is Falmouth High School’s literary and arts magazine. The magazine is a creative outlet for the entire Falmouth High School community to share and publish original artwork and a variety of writing, such as poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. We publish one or two issues each year, and students help with the submission, selection, editing, proofreading, layout, design, fundraising, publication, and distribution of the magazine. We also host a publishing party each year. We meet during activity period, and smaller subcommittees meet during other scheduled times. Working on staff is a wonderful opportunity for students to collaboratively produce a publication while meeting with friends, engaging in thoughtful conversation about writing, and learning a variety of skills related to the publishing and editing of manuscripts and artwork. Submit to GORP at Read past issues of GORP. Questions, please stop by room 204 for additional info. Advisor: Ms. Gifford:
Knitting and Crocheting Club
Knitting/Crocheting is a club for anyone who wants to learn how to knit/crochet, or for those who already can. We will be knitting/crocheting either a blanket or scarves to donate to people in our community. Meetings take place during AFT on Fridays in the Library. Advisor: Ms. Julea:
Life Sciences Club
The Life Sciences Club is dedicated to exploring the fascinating world of living organisms and their environments. Our mission is to provide engaging, hands-on experiences and foster a deeper understanding of life sciences through creative and interactive activities. We will do mini-projects on a life sciences topic of the club members' choosing and mini experiments. The club meets once a month after school. Advisor: Ms. Magnuson:
Makers Club
This club aims to bring together a group of students interested in STEM and have club members present/teach new branches of engineering (CAD, programming, structural, material, manufacturing, robotics, electrical) to the group every month. In the later months of the year, the Makers club will choose 1-3 specific engineering projects and use the second half of the year to make these real-world creations using the previously learned skills while following a thorough engineering process. The club meets on Wednesday's during AFT. Advisor: Mr. Whited:
Students will be choosing their own topics/opinions to write and edit. They will submit them for publication and there will be four publications during the school year. The group meets on Wednesdays during AFT in room 202. Advisor: Mr. Casey:
Math Team
If you are a strong math student and you enjoy problem solving, you now have a chance to work with like minded peers in a competition setting. On the Math Team, we prepare for 5 meets a year with weekly practices. The meets are held against surrounding schools, and you complete problems and earn points for the team! Benefits enjoyed by recent members include: being better prepared for College Admissions Tests and for future college courses, camaraderie with teammates at meets and practices, potential for recognition of your academic excellence, and the satisfaction that comes from solving challenging problems. Participation on this team counts toward the STEM Endorsement extracurricular activity. Advisors: Ms. Finn:
Model UN (MUN)
MUN gives students the opportunity to become mock delegates of the United Nations. MUN includes issue discussing, policy making, and international cooperation. Our meetings will be in preparation for a state-wide conference in May with schools from around Maine. Meets are after school as needed in room M186. Advisor: Mr. Magnuson:
National Honor Society (NHS)
NHS is an organization composed of selected members of the Junior and Senior classes. Nomination and election are competitive and are based on substantive accomplishment in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Read more about NHS, including the FHS application and induction process. Advisor: Dr. Gowers:
Navs Media
We would like to encourage students at FHS to take on the journey of being a sports media creator. Meets through text group chats and AFT. Advisor: Mr. Coffey:
Northern Force Robotics
The first robotics competition is an exciting, nationwide competition that teams professionals and young people to solve an engineering design problem in an intense and competitive way. The program is a challenging experience—and a lot of fun. The competitions are high-tech spectator sporting events, the result of lots of focused brainstorming, real-world teamwork, dedicated mentoring, project timelines, and deadlines. Advisor: firstteam172@falmouthschools.
Ocean Bowl
This club will be focused on learning about various aspects of the ocean, such as oceanography, marine sciences, chemistry, geology, and history. Additionally, we will practice trivia style questions to prepare for the Ocean Bowl competition in February. The team meets every Wednesday during AFT in room 223. Advisor: Ms. Blenk:
Outing Club
This club offers FHS students the opportunity to explore and enjoy nature through a variety of outdoor activities. Outings may include, but are not limited to, hiking, biking, canoeing, kayaking, climbing, birdwatching, camping, and more. Whether you're an experienced outdoor enthusiast or new to outdoor activities, the club provides an inclusive environment for all skill levels. Our goal is to introduce students who may have limited access to outdoor experiences to easy, enjoyable ways to connect with nature. For those who already love the outdoors, the club offers a community of like-minded peers to share adventures with and deepen their appreciation for the natural world. This club meets by appointment at least once a month to plan future and debrief past outings. Advisor: Mr. Carter:
Poetry Club
This club offers a structure (time, space, facilitation) for students who want more creative writing than our standard curriculum / school day offers. The goal is to provide a safe space for students to share their work and connect with other writers. This club meets weekly after school. Advisor: Ms. Langlois:
Prom Committee
The Prom Committee is made up of Juniors who plan their prom for that year. It is the responsibility of the committee to choose a theme, location, invitations, food, and music for the prom. They also sell tickets and design and construct the decorations for the dance. Each year, the Executive Board of the Junior class decides how they want to choose the Prom Committee. Volunteers are always welcome. Advisor: Ms. Hilinski: or Ms. Julea:
Rock Climbing League
Want to try rock climbing? Then this is your opportunity to learn rock climbing and "hang" around with other like minded in individuals. Join us every Monday from 3:00-5:00pm at EVO Rock + Fitness at 65 Warren Avenue, Portland. Advisor/Contact: EVO
Science Bowl
Science Bowl is a fast paced competition where teams of students compete in tournaments against other schools. Schools go head to head answering questions and must buzz in faster than their opponents in order to gain the chance to answer the questions and build up points. Questions come from all areas of science, and students must be quick, hold a lot of knowledge, be willing to trust themselves and their team mates, and have fun. We practice once a week starting in October, for the state competition in late February. The teams will also compete in the Ocean Sciences Bowl in February and will scrimmage with other schools for fun. Winning schools continue on to National competitions held in May. Meetings are held on Tuesday and Thursdays from 2:20-3:00pm in room 126. Advisor: Mr. Njaa:
Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad is a chance for students to compete against other students and schools in over 20 different events, including: Bridge/Tower Building, Disease Detectives, Codebusters, Dynamic Planet, Forestry, and more. Whatever your interest, there is likely an event that fits. Teams have up to 15 students, and we usually field two teams. Students typically work with a friend on an event, and will need to take on at least 3 to 5 different events for the day of the competition. We meet in November and December to organize and then weekly through February. As the competition approaches the first week in April, we meet more often and long hours are put in to meet the deadline. We may be able to hold scrimmages in some events with other schools in the weeks leading up to the Olympiad. In the end, the events are challenging, the day is long, and lots of fun is had. Meetings take place after school in room 126. Advisor: Mr. Njaa:
Service Club
The FHS Service Club is a student-led organization providing its members with opportunities to perform service, build character, and develop leadership. The FHS Service Club members work on projects to help the community locally, nationally, and globally. Organizations this club supports include Furniture Friends, Ronald McDonald House, Animal Refuge League, Partners for World Health, and monthly discussion groups with elders at OceanView. We host benefit concerts during the school year to raise money for a variety of organizations as well as help out at many local events like the FMS Nickel Carnival and the Falmouth Food Pantry Annual Dinner. Meetings take place every Thursday (except for early release days) during AFT. Advisors: Ms. Bush:
Spanish National Honor Society (Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica)
The Spanish National Honor Society, "Los Navegantes de Falmouth" Chapter, will recognize high achievement in Spanish and promote interest in related studies. There will be 2-3 meetings per year in room 212 and exact times are TBD. Advisor: Ms. Christman:
Speech and Debate
Speech & Debate team is open to all students who are interested in improving their speech and communication skills--skills proven to be highly valuable in college and beyond. Speech and Debate offer a wide variety of event opportunities. Students attend practice twice a week to select (or create) pieces for interpretation, research; discuss/debate current topics; and, learn and practice cross examination questions, rebuttal speeches and public speaking and communication skills. We are part of the Maine Forensic Association (MFA), a group composed of Maine schools that organizes and sponsors events. From October to January, different schools host Saturday tournaments, which culminate in a State Tournament sponsored by the Maine Principal's Association. Falmouth is also a member of the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) and National Catholic Forensic League (NCFL), which hold regional qualifiers and National Tournaments in the summer. At tournaments, Falmouth also compete in Student Congress. Students participate in a simulated Congress where they draft, debate and attempt to pass their bill. We welcome all interested students. Meetings take place Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the Learning Commons. Advisor: Ms. Parent:
STEM Mentorship
The STEM Mentoring program partners high school STEM students with middle school students who are interested in learning about science or STEM opportunities. The goal is to create a stronger community of STEM students by inspiring younger students to get more involved. The partnership benefits both the high schoolers (who will receive service hours) and middle schoolers (who will receive mentors and guidance). Women in STEM Seminars occur monthly, in which a community member or student speaks on their involvement in the STEM community. Ultimately, we hope this creates a tightly bound community of students in STEM who would support each other both in and out of school, so when they graduate, they are more prepared to take part in different real-world opportunities, and will have more connections as they move into the workforce. Meetings take place every Monday from 2:30-3:30pm in room 125. Advisor: Ms. Harder:
Stock Market Club
The Stock Market Club is dedicated to providing students with an engaging and educational experience in the world of investing and the stock market. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, the Stock Market Club offers a supportive environment for all. The Stock Market Club is designed to help students- Understand the Basics: Learn how the stock market operates, including key terminology and concepts used in investing. Practical Experience: Gain hands-on experience by investing in the market and observing returns firsthand. Develop Research Skills: Conduct thorough research to make informed investment decisions and achieve success in the stock market. Real-Life Insights: Experience the dynamics of buying and selling stocks, helping students grasp the intricacies of market operations. The club meets every other Wednesday during AFT. Advisor: Mr. Whitaker:
Student Ambassadors
FHS Student Ambassadors help the Student Services Office orient new and prospective students to many different aspects of FHS, including extracurricular opportunities, the school building layout, class offerings, schedule, and extracurricular opportunities. FHS Student Ambassadors are asked to help at transfer and 9th grade student orientations, present information to 8th graders, and participate in open houses. Meetings are held in the Student Services Office. Advisor: Ms. Calhoun:
Student-Athlete Mental Health Committee
The Student-Athlete Mental Health Committee at Falmouth High School is a student-led group that provides a supportive space for student-athletes to discuss the challenges they face in balancing academics, athletics, and personal life. Comprising student-athletes from all grades and sports, the committee meets weekly to debrief, share coping strategies, and offer advice on managing stress. Its primary goal is to bridge the gap between athletics and academics, offering peer-to-peer support and advocating for teen mental health. With the guidance of experienced coaches and social work professionals, the club serves as a trusted resource for students navigating the pressures of both school and sports. This club meets Wednesday's during AFT. Advisor: Ms. Maloney:
Student Council
Student Council meets regularly and is composed of four elected members from each class. The Council elects its own officers. The Student Council acts as the formal student-led governing body of the school. It discusses and presents proposals on important school topics. It governs class and student activities in order to avoid conflicts in scheduling. It is a member of the Maine and national affiliation of Student Councils, but has a focus in the school and community. The group meets on Thursdays during AFT in room 105. Advisor: Ms. Hilinski:
Student Led Change
Student Led Change is structured around three levels of change: individual leadership skills, organizational action, and collaboration, both locally and nationally. We are training an army of thoughtful, capable volunteers who will go out into the world with the skills necessary to enact positive change for a lifetime. The group meets in room M185 during Wednesday AFTs. Advisor: Ms. Wrisley:
Tri-M Music Honors Society
An internationally recognized music honors society that gives students a chance to gain music-related community service and performance opportunities outside of the regular Music Department programs. The club meets in the music room (M180) on Wednesdays during AFT. Advisor: Mr. Sturtevant:
Unified Club
Unified Club is for students with and without intellectual disabilities who come together for spots, games, community service, school events, and most of all, to have fun. Meetings take place on Wednesdays every other week during AFT in room 116. Advisor: Ms. Schmidt:
Yearbook Club
Members of the yearbook club are responsible for designing, producing, selling, and distributing the FHS yearbook, The Crest. Members take photographs of the life and times of Falmouth High School students, staff, and faculty in school and at school-sponsored activities -- participating in club activities, competing in athletic competitions, performing on stage ... in addition, they are responsible for interviewing students, faculty and staff and then writing copy for the book. Once all the pieces of the book are collected, members design the page layouts for a 200-page book using web-based software. The book is sold online and distributed to students at the end of the school year. The club will meet during AFT on Wednesdays in the library. Advisor: Mr. Hull: or email The Crest:
Yellow Tulip Project (YTP)
YTP works toward reducing the stigma around mental health. The mission is to spread hope, help, and strength and to break the silence when someone is struggling. Students and staff will create campaigns focused on the Sources of Strength Wheel. Meetings are held weekly on Wednesdays during AFT in Student Services Office. Advisor: Ms. Haley:
Youth Maine Climate Activists (YMCA)
This group is an active participant in school-wide recycling and promotes conservation & ecological practices both within the school as well as throughout the community. Members are presently collecting and processing paper, paperboard, cardboard, and returnable bottles throughout the school. The committee is also responsible for organization, coordination, and support of a yearly coastal cleanup in Falmouth. Future projects will include hiking and trail maintenance. Meets Mondays during AFT, room 223. Advisor: Ms. Blenk:
Want to start a new club? Complete the FHS Club Proposal Form.