FHS Student & Family Handbook
Falmouth Learning Outcomes
- Clear and effective communicators: Understand the attributes and techniques that positively impact constructing and conveying meaning for a variety of purposes and through a variety of modes.
- Self-directed and lifelong learners: Understand the importance of embracing and nurturing a growth mindset.
- Creative and practical problem solvers: Are skilled at selecting and applying a process of problem-solving to deepen understanding and determine whether redefining the goal is a better way of addressing a problem situation and continuing to consider other alternative solutions until one resonates as the best one.
- Responsible and involved citizens: Understand the interdependence within and across systems and brings to each situation the appropriate actions.
- Integrative and informed thinkers: Are skilled at using complex reasoning processes to make meaning.
Falmouth's Beliefs and Practices
- Student learning and growth is our common goal.
- Students learn best when they are engaged.
- Students learn in a variety of ways and at different rates.
- Students need practice and feedback before being expected to demonstrate learning.
- Students need to develop habits of work.
- Professionals use evidence from student work, behavior, and feedback to inform decisions.
Equal Educational Opportunities
The Falmouth School Department is committed to providing equal educational opportunities as required by federal and state laws for all students, regardless of race, color, sex, or national origin. Students or families/caregivers should direct any questions or concerns to the building principal.
Discrimination and harassment are not tolerated by Falmouth Public Schools. Students, Staff, and Families are encouraged to report policy violations to the officers below, or any administrator in the district:
Affirmative Action / Title IX Coordinator: Jennifer Kelly, Director of Learning
ADA/504 compliance coordinator: Mark Campbell, Director of Special Education
Frequently Used Contacts
FHS Main Office: 207-781-7429
FHS School Nurse: 207-781-1321
FHS Student Services: 207-781-7429 x5687
Transportation: 207-321-0030
Athletics: athletics.falmouthschools.org
Calendars & Schedules
2024-25 Falmouth Schools District Calendar - Year At A Glance
School & District Monthly Events Calendar
Select a heading below to read sections of the FHS Student Handbook or access a PDF of the full handbook.
Student Behavior Expectations
Ethical and responsible behavior is an essential part of the educational mission of the Falmouth Schools. To that end, this system-wide Code of Conduct has been developed with input from school staff, students, family/caregivers, and community members. The Code defines our collective expectations for students, staff, family/caregivers, and community members' behavior and provides the framework for a safe, orderly, and respectful learning environment.
Standards for Ethical and Responsible Behavior
The Code of Conduct is intended to support and encourage all school community members to meet the following community wide standards for ethical and responsible behavior:
Respect - Honesty - Compassion - Fairness - Responsibility - Courage
- Code of Conduct
- Attendance
- Academic Honesty & Integrity
- Student Dress
- Student Behavior at School-Sponsored Events
- Harassment
- Personal Property at School
- Care of School Property
- Use of School Lockers
- Parking & Driving
- Study Halls
- Cell Phone Use / Search
- Student Surveys and Marketing
- Student Computer & Internet Use
Code of Conduct
Academic Honesty & Integrity
Student Dress
Student Behavior at School-Sponsored Events
Personal Property at School
Care of School Property
Use of School Lockers
Parking & Driving
Study Halls
Cell Phone Use / Search
Student Surveys and Marketing
Student Computer & Internet Use
Disciplinary Procedures
Student Drug, Alcohol, & Tobacco Use Policy
Activities, Clubs, & Athletics
Student Life
- Advisory Program & Structure
- Senior/Junior Privileges
- Guests at School
- Library-Media Center
- FHS Tutoring Center
- Special Education/504/Child Find Notice
- Student Safety Procedures
- School Nutrition Program