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Course Descriptions 2025 - 2026

All students will demonstrate achievement of the standards of the Maine Learning Results.  The high school diploma signifies that the graduate has completed the requirements described in this policy and is ready to enter a post-secondary educational program or a career as a clear and effective communicator, a self-directed and lifelong learner, a creative and practical problem solver, a responsible and involved citizen, and an informed and integrative thinker.

Falmouth High School offers multiple pathways to allow students to demonstrate proficiency on expected learning standards and to satisfy graduation requirements. Student pathways may include, but are not limited to, the following learning options:

  • Falmouth High School Program of Studies courses
  • Independent study courses approved by the school
  • Individualized learning plans
  • Dual enrollment or early college courses
  • Career and technical education
  • Accredited online learning programs
  • Alternative or at risk programming
  • Apprenticeships, internships, field work, or exchange experiences approved by the school

To earn a diploma from FHS, students must meet academic distribution requirements and also experiential learning requirements.

Experiential learning requirements for all students are as follows:

  1. Complete Discovery Program requirement (Senior Project);
  2. Complete career and education development requirements; and,
  3. Complete at least 30 hours of community service.  Students who enter FHS after 9th grade will have their community service requirement prorated.

Academic distribution requirements for students in the classes of 2025-2026 total 20 total credits and must include the following:

  •  English Language Arts (4 credits)
  •  Mathematics credits (3 credits)
  •  Science and Technology (3 credits: 2 years of lab science required; engineering or technology courses can fulfill 1 credit)
  •  Social studies (3 credits, US History is required) 
  •  Visual and Performing Arts (1 credit)
  •  Physical Education (1 credit) and Health (.5 credit)
  •  Electives (4.5 credits)

Academic distribution requirements for students in the classes of 2027 and beyond total 23 total credits and must include the following:

  •  English Language Arts (4 credits)
  •  Mathematics credits (3 credits)
  •  Science and Technology (3 credits: 2 years of lab science required; engineering or technology courses can fulfill 1 credit)
  •  Social studies (3 credits, US History is required) 
  •  Visual and Performing Arts (1 credit)
  •  Physical Education (1 credit) and Health (.5 credit)
  •  World Languages and Culture (1 credit) 
  •  Electives (6.5 credits)

The following courses are available for the 2025-2026 academic year, which begins in September 2025. Remember that students must carry a minimum of 6 classes per semester (or 6 credits per school year) and should work with their parents, school counselors, and teachers to create their schedule.