Student Services
FHS school counselors provide a wide range of services for students, including academic advising, college planning, and career counseling. During students' four years of high school, they will participate in planned school counseling programming each year.
Students may also schedule an appointment at any time by contacting the Student Services Administrative Assistant or their counselor.
Discrimination and harassment are not tolerated by Falmouth Public Schools. Students, Staff, and Families are encouraged to report policy violations to the officers below, or any administrator in the district:
Affirmative Action / Title IX Coordinator: Jennifer Kelly, Director of Learning
ADA/504 compliance coordinator: Mark Campbell, Director of Special Education
Contact Information
Phone: 207-781-7429
Fax: 207-781-3985
Student Services Administrative Assistant
Carolyn Edwards x5687
School Counselor (9th Grade)
Tanya Grigsby, x5522
School Counselor (Grades 10 - 12, Last names A-K)
Danielle Calhoun, x5526
School Counselor (Grades 10 - 12, Last names L-Z)
Kaitlyn Pulju, x5521
Post-Secondary/College Counselor
Ashley Pullen, x5523