Website tour
District Website Tour
The homepage has a top navigation menu that stays the same on every page of the website. You can click on District Home at any time to return to the District homepage.
The PowerSchool dropdown menu gives Parents, Students, Teachers, and Administrators access to the PowerSchool login screen.
The Quicklinks dropdown menu provides easy access to resources such as the Calendar, Directory, and Lunch Menus.
The language translate option allows visitors to select a language from the translator feature.
District Information in the top navigation will give access to District level resources including pages such as the School Board, Budget, and Job Opportunities
Icons with links are quick ways to get to the District Updates, Calendar, and School sections of the website.
The three blocks in the middle of the page will feature different programs and highlights throughout the year.
The most recent District News and Calendar items will be displayed on the homepage.
The Calendar will allow you to select as many calendars as you would like to view at a time as well as access other resources such as the Athletic Schedule.
FES Features
Elementary School Website Features
The Elementary School homepage has a way to navigate to the FES Departments and Family resources.
Icon links are a quick way to access sections of the website such as PickUp Patrol, Menus, and Bus information.
The Departments heading includes pages such as Counseling, Health Services, Instructional Support, and the Library.
Selecting the Families section of the navigation will bring you to the Community Bulletin Board, ways to Get Involved with the PTO and FEF, as well as other resources.
Like the District section of the website, the three featured sections will change throughout the year and the most recent FES News and Calendar items will be displayed.
Select the checkbox next to FES Calendar and click on Update Calendar to see just Elementary School events.
FMS Features
Middle School Website Features
The Middle School homepage has a way to navigate to the FMS Departments and Family resources.
Icon links are a quick way to access sections of the website such as Daily Announcements and the Calendar.
The Departments heading includes pages such as Counseling, Health Services, Instructional Support, and the Library.
Selecting the Families section of the navigation will bring you to the Community Bulletin Board and other resources.
Like the District section of the website, the three featured sections will change throughout the year and the most recent FMS News and Calendar items will be displayed.
Select the checkbox next to FMS Calendar and click on Update Calendar to see just Middle School events.
FHS Features
High School Website Features
The High School homepage has a way to navigate to the FHS Departments and resources for Students and Families.
Icon links are a quick way to access sections of the website such as the Bell Schedule and the Athletics Calendar.
The Departments heading includes pages such as the Student Services Department, including Counseling, Social Work, and Health Services.
Selecting the Students section of the navigation provides links to the Program of Studies, Course Descriptions, Clubs & Activities, and other sections such as information for the Senior Class.
The Families section of the navigation will bring you to resources such as Project Graduation and information about Current Student Course Registration.
Like the District section of the website, the three featured sections will change throughout the year and the most recent FHS News and Calendar items will be displayed.
Select the checkbox next to FHS Calendar and click on Update Calendar to see just High School events.
Select one of the links to access the Athletics Schedule, the FHS Bell Schedule, or print the School Year Calendar.